I'm working on a 12-page comic right now with a writer friend of mine, Ian Daffern. I'll be posting some of that work soon. In the meantime, I'm also throwing together a quick two-page piece for an on-the-fly submission opportunity.
I thought I'd put up my linears for the 2-pager. It gives some insight into how I do my comic work, plus I think they're looking pretty good so far.

Once they're at this stage, I blow them up to actual size (roughly 15.75"x9.75"), tape them to the back of the page I'm going to draw the actual pencils on, then use a lightbox to work up the drawings to final.
I'll post the pencilled pages when I finish them. It should be by this weekend, as the window for the submission is small.
Cheers -J
Looking phenomenal. Can't wait till you put up the rest.
Thanks for the kind words ... always appreciate the feedback!
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